Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday June 27

I arrived to the hospital at 7:15 pm last night. It was my turn to spend the night. Dad was very much awake and alert. Since we were told he could eat anything soft, I made some lentil soup and sneaked it in to try. As expected, he loved it. The food here is so bland. I also brought him a small container of mango sorbet...yum. We read the paper together and I shared some photos I have on my computer of the events that have taken place since his accident and photos that some people have sent me. Some he recognized and others he did not.  I tried this memory technique last week without any real excitement or emotion from him. What a difference a week makes. This time he smiled, mouthed out names and for those he didn't recognize, I said their name and then he remembered. He had a great night sleeping!
They just finished his last chest x-ray. I suspect it will come out a-okay & negative. If correct, the button from his trach will come out this morning. He'll most likely get transferred to another rehab facility tomorrow. Things are really starting to look very good for JV. As soon as we transfer him to his new rehab facility we'll start scheduling times for visitors. He's really doing great!

1 comment:

  1. Great news, David! Tell me as soon as I can bring sopa de tetras, please. Gloria Alvillar
