Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday December 9th

It's been forever since I last wrote in dad's blog. As I mentioned a while back, no news is great news.
He's no longer receiving any therapy sessions at home. He graduated last week to begin attending St. Mary's out patient therapy. This week was his first with assessments and therapy. We're so happy that he's leaving the house for exercise and therapy. All of his therapists are fantastic and we're so blessed he lives so close to the hospital. As I wrote in the last post, his eyes is now completely open and his pupil is almost in the correct position. He still sees double but at least we are certain the aneurysm is shrinking and releasing pressure on his optic nerve. He's now able to lift his right leg pretty good as well as his right arm. Still not walking on his own but slowly walking with his walker and the assistance of Lisa and his therapists. We had a fantastic Thanksgiving with his brother George and his family come down from Phoenix to be with us. We had a wonderful time all together. Dad is looking forward to having the annual Christmas Eve party here this year and we can't be more pleased with his progress. There definitely has been a noticeable change in the improvement and acceleration of improved motor skills since his surgery. It's too bad we didn't clamp him in the first place. We just didn't know the coil wasn't going to hold.  Nevertheless, he's doing much better, exercising very hard and very determine to get back to the life he once had. Thanks again for all of your continued thoughts and prayers.

Mom is starting to get out of the house a little more often and if any of you would like to take her out for lunch or a movie, Lisa and I are encouraging her to do so. She really needs a little time away from the house.

Until I write again, be safe, stay healthy and as dad would say, "be cool".

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday November 18th

Good Morning everyone.
I do have some good news to report. First of all, dad is really starting to move his right arm and leg so much more than the last post. He's now able to move his hand up to his face. He uses it to scratch his nose or cheek and sometimes tries to reach his ear. He's also able to lift his right leg up about 6 inches off of the floor. This is enough room to get his pants on from a sitting position. All of these movements take some time to perform. However, we see this as great improvement. We believe the reason for this significant improvement is because the aneurysm is shrinking. We know this is happening because the best news of all is that his left eye is starting to open. It's about 1/4 inch open and he can see out of the eye. We were told that should the clipping on the aneurysm hold and the swelling shrink, his eye may regain control. So far, so good. Keep in mind, his eyeball is positioned to the left and down somewhat which causes him to see double. This is a okay because he's starting to regain control. The leg that has the clot swells when he really works at standing and exercising. We're going to have to just keep an eye on the swelling and make sure the swelling below the knee doesn't get out of hand. When swelling starts, we just pull back on the exercising and elevate the leg. We're going to have to decide if he'll have surgery to repair the clot or not. He will be seen again in December and we have until then to decide what we're going to do. He's also talking a little louder. This is also an indication the swelling is shrinking.
Well, I had mentioned that I'd have him out on the golf course by the end of November. That's not going to happen. I'm now going to leave that up to God and your prayers to get him out on the course.
He's still fighting more than ever and hasn't given up.
Keep on praying and sending your messages. He loves to read and hear them.
Have a great weekend and Go Cats!

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4

Time sure does fly by.
Here's a short update to dad's progress. Allow me to begin by telling everyone, he's doing just great. We had a small set back because his right leg began to swell. This is due to the clot that was found way back in August. We went to see a vascular surgeon this week and he gave us some options. First of all, it's normal for legs to swell with his condition. The doctor told us this is due to too much activity to the leg and not enough leg rest and inactivity. The good news is that the swelling has gone way down.  We can either do nothing but try to keep the swelling down by using compression socks and elevation, put him on blood thinners or take him in to have his vein cleaned out. We have 6 weeks to decide which path we'll go. In the meantime, he's really doing well with his exercises, appetite, right side mobility. He's moving his right side more and more each week.  Still far from normal but we know he'll get there with hard work and time. Anyone that would like to communicate with him via Skype, please let me know. This will be very therapeutic for him because he'll have to use his voice to communicate. I can be reached at:
We hope you all have a great and safe weekend. Stay warm. It's suppose to get cold and wet.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, Oct. 21

Go Cats! Dad enjoyed watching his cats beat-up the Bruins. He stayed up to watch the entire game.
Well a whole lot has taken place since my last post. With assistance from Lisa and his physical therapist and his walker, he's been slowly walking. His longest walk has been from the dining room to the front door twice. This is about 16 steps for him. He's been standing longer periods of time in his stander and his right leg is moving much better than ever. Still slow but with more control. He's been enjoying his wheelchair walks around the neighborhood during the morning and neighbors stop to say hello. Lisa planted some flowers in the backyard and he loves to set outside to suck in some sunshine and smell the roses.
All tubes have been removed including his G tube from his stomach. His doctor says he's doing just great health wise. We're working him hard everyday only because he's asking us to do so. He wants to stand all the time but gets extremely tired after standing for 15 minutes at a time. He's slowly building his muscle strength and his determination to walk and talk hasn't diminished one bit. He's bound and determined to get back to where he was at before the stroke.
We're thinking about having a mass for him where he'll show up for everyone to say hello. I'll keep all of you posted for when this takes place.
Have a great weekend.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, October 7

This was a busy week for Dad. He went in for a cortisone shot in his right shoulder on Tuesday.
He had been complaining about pain especially when he'd raise his arm. The therapist thought this was a result from his stroke. I kept saying that he's always had problems in the past with this shoulder so we set up an appointment for some x-rays. Sure enough, it's a combination of arthritis and non-use.
Today I raised his arm higher than before without any pain. This will help him with his therapy exercises.
On Wed, with this assistance of Lisa and Adam, his care giver, he took 7 steps with his walker. This is phenomenal!  He's also standing in the stander I made him for up to 15 minutes at a time. Everyone that visits him gets to sign his stander.
Tomorrow, we're set to take him to eat breakfast at Lionel and Stella's house. He's very excited for this.
He's doing just great! Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3

Good Monday morning to all of you!
This past week has been very good to all of us. Although we didn't get to go out of the house or out to visit family, we have decided to try again this week. Dad did, however, take his first step forward and backward with both legs with his walker. His progress increases each day and we're amazed with how much he's moving his right side. The surgery has proved so far to benefit dad's recovery rate. He's staying up longer periods of time, reading longer periods of time and exercising with greater strength. He's just about able to stand up on his own from a sitting position. We're very proud of his accomplishments.
I finished his stander and we tried it last night for the first time. With just a couple more adjustments, he'll be able to stand for long periods of time. This will allow him to learn what if feels like to transfer his weight from hip to hip.
I'm going to learn how to post photos and videos on the blog so you can see how good he looks.  Thank you for all of your continued thoughts and prayers. We also want to thank everyone for the cookies, muffins, calabasitas, posole, menudo, banana bread and all other goodies that have been brought by the house. Although dad could use about 5 lbs. and loves all of these goodies, I've gained some unwanted weight.  It's just a matter of time!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25th

Dad is really starting to show progress. Although his voice is low in volume, his ability to stand, sit on the side of the bed has really improved "a great deal". "A great deal to us", is sitting by himself on the side of a bed and standing on his own with very little assistance. He's even amazed at his own progress. We're going to begin taking him out of the house this week to help stimulate his mind. We're thinking about taking him to the mall early in the morning when no one is there. He doesn't want to be around many people so we figured Mondays or Tuesdays would be great. We also think the zoo would be a great place for some stimulation especially around the monkeys.
Before the aneurysm, mom and dad would go to visit my uncle Lionel and Tia Stella every Saturday morning for breakfast. So we thought this would be a another way to resume his routine and will give it a try this coming Saturday.
I'm going to order an adult stander. This will allow him to stand for long periods of time. He needs to begin training his brain to feel weigh on his right leg and this device will allow him to left one leg at a time for exercise and will allow him to do squats without having to have two people around to support him. The outpatient rehab will not except him until he's able to sit and stand on his own without any assistance. His scar from the surgery has healed beautifully and it's a matter of time before his hair grows back to cover it up.
Lisa and I went to pick up his things from his office on Friday. It was sad to pack his belongings. He has so many awards and plaques. We're just so proud of him and proud to be his children. He has set the best example as a great human being and has taught us the importance of being true to ourselves. He has always treated each and every person regardless of color or race with so much respect and love from the heart.  For all of you who read this blog, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for your continued love and support for dad. It's truly just a matter of time (short) before he'll be out of the house for all of you to see, hug, kiss and talk to.
Dad was very depressed to see the Cats loose on Saturday. He stayed up until the first half then conked out. He'll always be a Wildcat and has faith they'll win some before the end of the season.
I apologize for not writing as often as before but no news is good news.
Rest assured, he's making great strides and improving daily.

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 16

Well, no news is good news and it's been just that!
Dad is doing just fine! He had his stitches removed on Wed and his scar is healing just fine.
All of the therapists has told us that he's doing much better since before his operation with the exception of his voice. He has reverted back to whispering. The speech therapist said he has to learn to move wind from his diaphragm up through to his vocal chords in order to hear him. He'll get it.
Our next mission is to get him into an outpatient rehabilitation program and into an aquatic exercises. This will help rebuild his right side muscles. We also need to find ways to keep his mind stimulated because sitting and sleeping in front of the TV all day is not cutting it. Lisa and I are sick of "Law and Order", his favorite show.  I think he's finally getting sick of the show as well, LOL!
He's also ready to see visitors. Weekends will be best. Let me know when you'd like to visit so I can write it down and let him and mom know. Have a great weekend.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

No significant changes. He had a little upset stomach last night and has a cough. This is normal according to his doctor.
His scar is intense and we can't wait for the stitches to come out. My son Joel and I are heading back to L.A. where he starts his second year of school at the Animation Academy of Burbank. I made him a light table that doesn't fit in his car. He's anxious to get back to some serious drawing. Your emails to dad have been wonderful and he thanks all of you for you continued thoughts and prayers. I want to thank my wife, Karen, for spell checking my most recent blogs. She's so wonderful!!!
Have a great day!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday 3rd

The doctors discharged dad from the hospital this morning. He's now at home watching football and waiting for the U of A game to start. We want to thank Dr. Schroeder for his phenomenal doctor skills and for the professional team he put together. He's a great doctor that under promises and over delivers. All of your prayers were answered. It's now back to rehabilitation so you all can see him soon out and about.

Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2nd

I'm very happy to report dad is doing very well. Yesterday was my birthday and when I walked into his ICU room, he took one look at me and sang the first words to "Happy Birthday to you". It was so beautiful to hear his voice and to see him up and alert. I couldn't have received a better birthday gift. He spoke to mom and Lisa as well, very clear and with meaning. Other than some slight swelling over his left eye and a partially shaved head, he looked great. All of us that had a chance to visit with him all felt he was doing better than when he went in.
He's scheduled to stay in ICU for at least 2 days then move to a regular hospital bed this weekend. The Valdez family would like to thank all of you, who have continued thinking and praying for a successful surgery. All of your prayers have been listened to and answered. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

follow up

The surgery was very successful! The doctor was able to clip the neck of the aneurysm without any complications. He said we're not out of the woods just yet. We will have to see how his artery walls hold up. We should know this within the next couple of months. For now, we're all very happy and waiting to see him in ICU. He should be there for a couple of days. Thanks to all of you for your prayers. They were all answered today! I'll keep all of you posted later tonight with additional news.

September 1st

Lisa and I were at dad's this morning at 5:00 am to help mom get him ready for his trip to the hospital. Today is the big day! It's 7:00 am while we wait in a private room until 9.  The operation is scheduled for 11 am and they will be taking him back for the prep starting at 9.  The operation will take approximately 6 hours.
A team of Tucson's finest doctors and techs has been assembled to work with Dr. Schroeder during surgery.  They're drawing blood from dad at this moment and checking his vitals. Dad had to put down his morning paper for them to pick and poke him. He's more than ready to have this surgery over and done with.  He wants to thank everyone for keeping up with his blog and appreciates all of the thoughts a prayers he's received from all of you. I will keep you posted throughout the day.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday August 28

My dad would like to thank all of you who showed up this morning for the walk to San Xavier.  34 family and friends equals 34 prayers for dad. We would like to thank Melissa Quiroz & Linda Perez for coordinating this walk and thank those who helped along the way, Tio Lionel, Walter Sr. and Karen.
Dad's surgery will take place on September 1st at 11:00 am. and is scheduled to last 6 hours. I encourage all of you to pray for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.  We will have his outcome around 5 PM and I'll post it on Friday. Should all go as planned, he should be back home by Sept. 6th or 7th. Thanks again!
I'll keep you posted.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday August 26

For those who would like to walk with us from Saint Augustine Cathedral to San Xavier Mission, on Sunday Aug. 28th, we'll be meeting at 6:00 am in the back parking lot and leaving at 6:15 am. Wear sun screen and a hat. Water will be provided. Bring positive thoughts and prayers.
There is power in prayer!
We'll see you there!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23

We found out today that dad will be having surgery on September 1st. They will be clamping the neck of the same aneurysm that ruptured in May. It appears the area affected has grown to about twice the size of the original. There's no bleeding and the only way to correct for this is to perform cranial surgery. They will most likely discharge him from the hospital tomorrow so he can rest at home until the surgery. Dad understands the delicate and dangerous nature of this procedure and we all agree it must be done.  The doctors have told us the surgery should last about 5 hours. Then it's back to ICU and should all go well, he'll be home within 5 to 6 days after the surgery. I'm sorry for not writing sooner but it's been a zoo. It looks like I will be posting on a daily basis before, during, and after the surgery to keep all of you posted with his condition. I won't be writing anything on the blog until Wednesday, August 31. Please continue to pray for both my mom and dad. We need all of the prayers we can receive at this time.

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19th

The doctors performed an angiogram today and found that the aneurysm they coiled in May has ballooned again. This explains the loss of control to his left eye.  Pressure on the cranial nerve from the enlarged vessel is affecting his left eye. The good news is that here is no bleeding. While performing this procedure, doctors also placed a filter in the vein to prevent any clot from moving upwards to the lungs.  We will find out tomorrow morning what the plan is to fix this and I promise to keep all of you posted.

For any of you that would like to view a video dad did in 1978, Mr. Fred Ronstadt sent me a link for all to view.
Thank you Fred!

Please click the link and take a step back in time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 17th

Some of you may have already heard that dad is back in the hospital. He went in yesterday for a scheduled visit for a sonogram test to determine why his right leg is slightly swollen. Well, they found a rather large blood clot. The doctors seem to think that he's had this for quite some time because of its large size. So they admitted him yesterday for observation. They started him on blood thinners this morning and he's scheduled for more testing tomorrow. The strange thing is that he hasn't complained about any pain or discomfort. We remember his ankles swelling a while back but his doctors told him that it was water retention and to keep his legs elevated when sitting or sleeping. This was a good 6 - 8 months ago.
Rest assured, he's in good spirits, comfortable, talking, slightly confused but other than that, doing good.  Lisa seems to think that he'll be back at home in a couple of days. Let hope so! Keep your thoughts and prayers going and I'll keep you posted with everything that happens.

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 14th

Hello everyone!
It's been two weeks with dad home.  Lisa, mom and I have a our routines down. I'm there early in the morning because I live so close, mom makes sure he's fed, comfortable and takes his medications and Lisa comes in the afternoon. We have an in home care giver that comes at 9 AM, leaves at 12 noon then returns at 4 PM and leaves at 7 PM. Physical and occupational therapy come Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays while speech therapy comes on Wed and Fridays. Dad has really made some great progress. His muscles are gaining strength which is allowing us to transfer him from bed to chair easier. He thinks he can transfer himself without any assistance and tries. We now have to keep a loose strap on him while sitting in a chair because he tries to get up when we're not around. The other day I found him trying to get out of bed. He had both of his legs dangling off the edge of the bed when I asked him what he was doing. He replied, "I have to get up because I have a meeting at 4:00 PM". It was 9:30 in the morning and he had just awakened from a little nap. He tends to dream quite a bit, especially in the mornings, because he usually talks about strange, weird and funny things once he wakes up.  These are good signs that his mind is working properly and his brain is being stimulated.  He told me the other day that we were going to be late and not going to make it. I asked him, make it where? He said we weren't going to make it to the airport. I asked him, where are we going? He said we were going to a football game. I had to let him know that football season hadn't started yet and that he was dreaming.  He was a little bummed out because he could have sworn he saw the Wildcats playing on TV.
Today Randy and Ryan were able to get dad in his SUV for a ride around the U of A. It's funny because, we kept telling him we would give him a ride as soon as he felt he could transfer okay and was ready for the trip and he said he was ready. When they got to about St. Mary's and I-10, he fell asleep. As soon as they arrived to see the new scoreboard on 6th, they woke him up. He took a look at it and said, "ah huh", then fell back to sleep. Tomorrow, I'm going to ask him if he remembered the trip.  He probably won't but that's okay because we're stimulating his mind. As I wrote a while back, I can't wait for the day we can have a big party for everyone to come say hello. I'm sure he misses all of you.  It's just a matter of time.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday Aug 6th

He's been home for 1 week and although very happy to be home, all of us are trying to get adjusted to a new  workload schedule.  We appreciate all of the emails, cards and food people have brought. The soups, chickens and tamales have been very delicious. This has helped mom out tremendously. As far as dad's concerned, he seems to be tired all of the time and his voice volume is still low. His left eye lid is still not opening. He is slowly building muscle strength in both left leg and right arm and can support his weight on his left leg while standing. He tries to read the newspaper every morning and tunes into the local news throughout the day. His spirits are high and his determination is so incredible.
My mom is incredibly strong willed and loving. She has phenomenal endurance and just can't sit still. Bless her heart! Lisa use to work for a physical therapist way back when and is enjoying applying her old skills to dad. She's a work horse minus the whip! I think she's working him harder than they did at St. Mary's. Little did he know, she'd be working him so hard. He's probably wishing he was back there. I'm blessed to have a mother and sister so strong and a family that's so loving.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday August 2nd

Dad was released from the hospital on Friday. It's been really rough on all of us. We tried to get the house in order and did a pretty good job but it never fails to forget something. Everyone is very tired because we've had to do everything by ourselves. The new therapists are just now coming to introduce themselves and assess dad to set up therapy schedules. It's just going to be a matter of time before mom drops from exhaustion. We just can't get her to stop, slow down and nap during the day. We have one more assessment tomorrow with the speech therapist. This will complete our group of therapist coming to the house to continue giving him his physical, occupational and speech therapy sessions during the week. Our in home care giver is Adam. We needed a male to help lift him from bed to chair. He's been great so far.
We would appreciate holding off on calling or visiting at this time until we're comfortable with dad's schedule and mom's been able to rest a little. He's basically going to endure the same therapy programs he was getting at St. Mary's, but at home. So you can imagine, instead of having the nurses change him and bringing food to him, we're now taking their places with the help of Adam.  We just don't know when the time to have visitors will be. Hold tight, keep on praying for a speedy recovery and the minute mom and dad are ready to have company, you'll be the first to know. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday July 29

I walked in this morning to wake him for breakfast and found him asleep on his right side. Some pillows were on the ground and parts of his covers were tangled around his legs. Before I woke him, I sat there looking at him and thanking God for giving me such a beautiful, special, and wonderful father. I thanked the Lord for giving our family such a special person. I also thanked the Lord for giving both Lisa and I, such an incredibly beautiful, strong mother.  I could tell he was dreaming hard because of the REM sleep. I just hoped he was dreaming beautiful dreams and nothing that has to do with work. There have been several instances where he has awakened only to say something strange. Yesterday he woke up telling mom that he had to go to City Hall. Some of you may be cheering after hearing this but I assure you, it was only a dream. He asked me the other day if I had walked around the 5th hole. And there was another time when he told mom that he had a report that was due. It's been a long 10 week journey and he's slowly coming around. His right hand and leg are getting stronger. He's now able to stand and hold his weight on the left leg, of course with the assistance of two therapist at his sides. He's raising his right leg about a foot during exercises.
The doctors scoped him this week to see if there was any damage to his vocal cords; all negative. It still goes in and out but we now know, it's just a matter of time before he regains his full voice. We're all very happy with dad's progress so far. He's a fighter!
I believe we're ready to close this chapter in his life and waiting to hear from his doctors what his new chapter will be starting next week. We're so happy many of you take the time to keep up with this blog. This truly shows the amount of love all of you have for him and he could not have gotten this far without this support, love and prayers.  Mom, Lisa, Karen, Randy, Ryan, Kevin, Joel, Katrina, Andrew, and I thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. I will keep all of you posted with what happens next. It's just a matter of time before you'll see JV walking the halls, hugging, kissing and smiling at all of you. He's on the wide road to recovery.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday July 26th

Good morning everyone. Dad is coming along just fine. His therapies are strong and his movement on his right side is getting better. He still does not have control of his eyelid which continues to remain closed. However, can see movement of the eye under the eyelid and very small movement sometimes when he blinks. His volume comes and goes. The doctors are thinking of releasing him by the end of this week. We shall wait and see what happens next.
In the meantime, we're getting his house handicap ready by placing ramps, rails, equipment, etc, ready should they send him home. Yesterday, I took him a cut off golf club shaft with the grip attached so he can begin working his right hand and getting the feel of holding a golf club. He really liked this. We also wheeled him outside and around the property. He seemed to enjoy this as well. And for the grand prize, we took him to the cafe where he picked what ever he wanted. He was like a kid in a candy store. It's really hard to believe that he'll be in the hospital 10 weeks tomorrow. I believe he's ready to continue his therapy at home. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday July 22

We have decided to hold off on visitation for this weekend. We would like for him to rest and sleep as much as possible.  The doctors don't know why his vocal volume has diminished. He's back to mouthing words and speaking at a very low volume. Although he has vision in his left eye, he has no control of movement to the eye nor eye lid.  His therapy sessions are still going strong and his legs have gotten a little stronger. I'm happy to report that movement to his right hand and leg has improved exceptionally well since his arrival and he tries to use his right hand during his meals. Knowing that depression can set in during these circumstances, I ask him if he felt depressed and his response was no but disappointed for the fact he can't open his left eye and can't move his right side like he use to. I explained that time and therapy will heal his right side and only time will determine what happens to his eye. I also mentioned that he'd be going home soon. He said that he can't wait! I will try my best to keep a daily blog of his progress for next week because we believe it a matter of only another week or so before they send him home. Our goal, once again, is to have him on the golf course in November. This is a goal he's thinking about and working for while in therapy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday July 20

Hello again!
Dad's left eye is still closed and doctors don't know why. Time will tell if it will get better or stay as is. He seems to be a little more tired than before. I'm working with mom and Lisa to decide what kind of protein or vitamin drinks we should give him for pep. He's doing very well in all of his therapy sessions. He's eating almost everything they put in front of him and they have stopped feeding him completely through his tube at night. The other evening, he awoke and asked me if I had walked around the 5th hole. We all know what he was dreaming about. I keep telling him that our goal is to have him golfing by November. We have to accept the fact he may never be the same as when you last saw him before May 20th. This is perfectly alright because he's still with us today!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday July 16

I just got back from being out of town and my first stop was to visit dad. We had a little scare today according to Lisa. Apparently we had way too many visitors come in at one time which proved too much for him. Sometimes I can't control who and/or when people come to visit.  Should anyone come to visit and sees there are others in the room, please wait outside until those visiting are finished. We're limiting the visit time to around 10 minutes. This afternoon, he was so exhausted he didn't want to wake up for speech therapy. Lisa tried to wake him but he just didn't respond. The nurses came in to see what was happening, drew blood, call his doctor because he just didn't wake up. You can just imagine all of the thoughts the were going through there minds. Once the doctor came in to see him, he suggested that maybe too many visitors at one time was too much for dad to take in.  Scary moment for all of us.  I'm glad to say that
he had an undisturbed 2 hour nap and when he awoke, he was alert and responsive. What a sigh of relief!!!  I'm doing my best to schedule times for visitations with enough time in between for some rest. Only 2 at a time in the room has been suggested by the nursing staff.
I would like to remind everyone, he's still in rehabilitation, working on building his strength so that he can transfer himself alone from bed to chair.  He's far from this but he's showing signs of improvement. There will be times when he'll carry a conversation with us and other times when we can't understand him at all. This is part of his recovery process.
Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.  

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday July 15

Doctors are puzzled for the fact dad's left eye lid is closed. He can't open it on his own. An MRI was performed yesterday and we're all waiting for the results. He can see with the eye when the lid is lifted. He just can't open it. Although he's aware of this, and questioning it, his therapy sessions are progressing positively. He's now able to transfer from bed to chair with the assistance of one nurse. His voice volume is to a point where we can hear him clearly. I wanted to write this blog from out of town to explain the lid problem for those planning to visit him and seeing him this way.
We'll shall see what the results from the MRI read. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wed. July 13

The good news from the last time I wrote is that his voice is getting stronger, he's carrying conversations with visitors and he's eating more. Yesterday, the doctors lifted the thicken liquids to normal liquids as long as someone is present. He drank a lot of water and milk and was very, very happy. The thicken liquids are just awful!
It's getting easier to transfer him from bed to chair. Keep in mind, as soon as he can transfer himself from bed to chair without any assistance, he goes home. He's working very hard to accomplish this because he starting to dislike the hospital.
He asked that I bring in my laptop yesterday so he could check his bank account. I brought it in only to find out, he couldn't remember his pin. Let's see what a week does for his memory. I'll try again next week.
I'm going to take some more photos of him in rehab to send out. I'll let you know when some are available for emailing.
I'm heading out to Los Angeles today for business, returning on Sunday. I'll be happy to report all new progress upon my arrival. Should any significant news come up while I'm away, I'll be sure to write it in. Otherwise, you'll hear about dad on Monday.
Thanks again for all of your continued thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday July 10

We would like to thank those who took time out of their weekend to visit dad. Today he had the most out loud conversations I've heard out of him since his time in the hospital. He carried on conversations with almost everyone.  He even told a visitor that he had head surgery and couldn't remember. Jogging his memory is a great thing. He also proved he can move his right hand and foot for all to see. For those who understand golf, he took his left hand and made a pitching motion to suggest, he can't wait to get back on the course.
Yesterday he stood on his own while his physical therapy team gave him his first shower in 7 weeks. He was soooo happy to get his hair shampooed.
He's a very happy camper at the moment because today there wasn't any therapy. For those who would like to see a picture of him smiling, please email me at and I'll be happy to send you one.
Thanks again for your love and prayers. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday July 8th

7 weeks in the hospital today.
I have some funny stuff to report. Mom came in this morning and said good morning to dad. Dad whispered back, "good morning". She repeated herself but louder, "say good morning loud".  So dad said, "good morning loud" as clear as can be.
There are times when we have to lean over to hear what's he's trying to say. Lisa leaned over him yesterday while he was whispering and he puckered up his lips thinking she wanted a kiss.
Although his watch is safe at home, he keeps looking at his wrist to see what time it is. So Lisa took off her lady's watch and put it on him. He was happy to see time and could care less it didn't quite fit.
The nurse came into his room in the evening to get him changed and ready for bed. It was around 7:30 when she woke him from a long nap. When he saw what time it was, he asked her why she was waking him so early in the morning. Lisa opened the blinds to show him it was getting dark and to explain that it's time for bed. He then just shook his head.
Yesterday, J Parker came in and dad asked him if he wanted to play golf.
It's great to see his sense of humor coming back. All of us are so very happy and proud to have him in our lives. We love him so very much!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wed. July 6th

I bet many of you are wondering why I haven't written anything since Saturday. I assure you everything is fine with Dad. One week today at St. Mary's and what a difference each day brings.  Since his arrival, he's starting to lift his right leg, rotate and squeeze with his right hand and maneuver his wheel chair down the hallway...slow but steady.
His speech volume is also improving. We had a pretty lengthy talk today. He's still questioning what happened and why he's having difficulties with his right side. He repeats these questions over and over. One of the affects with this type of trauma is short term memory loss. Yesterday he just start talking about the city and work at the U of A. For example, he told mom that he had to do a report for work. We didn't know why, he just said this out loud. Come to find out from one of his partners at work, they have been working on a report that's due soon. He's still sharp at times. So we don't mind him asking the same questions over and over or not remembering things that took place earlier during the day. We know his mind will get better. Mom is starting to go home to rest during the day. Today was the first day she left at 10:30 and returned at 2:00 pm. She stayed until 6:00 pm then left when I returned. Lisa and I come in at various times throughout the day only because on his therapy sessions. There's no need to be present when he's in therapy.
We all notice some kind of improvement from day to day. It's really remarkable how the mind and body works. The Lord tells us to rest when we need to; then tells us when it's okay to slowly begin a new life. Dad's starting his new life.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday July 2nd

Today is dad's birthday, a young 77 years! We all sang to him this morning and since we couldn't light candles in the room, he pretended to blow them out anyway. He's going to have plenty of cake to eat when he wants. The therapy staff at St. Mary's is great and have been working him hard. With some assistance from his nurses this morning, he wheeled himself down the hallway.  I got a chance to sit in the therapy room to see his team help him actually lift himself from the wheel chair to a standing position on the parallel bars. It was the first time I was able to see him standing in 6 weeks. Although his right side is weak and slow to respond, I've seen great improvement with his right hand. He's now grabbing and squeezing objects.We're sooo proud of him! I'm amazed to see his progress in just under a week.
While at Kindred, he slept most of the day. Here at St. Mary's, he's up working hard when he has to be and sleeping in between therapy sessions. Lisa and I no longer have to spend nights because #1, he's in good hands and #2, he sleeps all night because of the activity during the day. We're anxious to see what progress he makes by next weekend.

Have a great 4th of July and spend this weekend safe with loved ones.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday June 29

Dad has been moved to St. Mary's Hospital.
According to his new doctors, he will be undergoing intense therapy twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon.
We are not allowed to be there during these periods because the doctors do not want any distractions. This is great for mom because she'll be able to leave during these times for rest. St. Mary's is only 3 minutes from her house...soooo convenient!
They will be working him in all 3 therapy categories: speech, occupational, and physical. As for visitations, doctors want visitations to take place during the weekends only.  These are the days for rest. Dad will start seeing visitors on Saturday & Sunday July 10th & 11th. If you would like to visit dad, please email me to let me know when you might be coming in:
The Valdez family would like to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and support.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday June 28

Dad is still as sharp as a tack. He's starting to speak more and more each day. He's staying awake much longer during the day, starting to ask more questions and asking for food and drink. We'll find out today where they'll be sending him. They removed the trach button yesterday and early in the mornings, they stop the tube feedings so he doesn't feel full for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm going to sneak in some cold watermelon later today. It's just a matter of time before you'll all get to see and talk to him. Hang in there.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday June 27

I arrived to the hospital at 7:15 pm last night. It was my turn to spend the night. Dad was very much awake and alert. Since we were told he could eat anything soft, I made some lentil soup and sneaked it in to try. As expected, he loved it. The food here is so bland. I also brought him a small container of mango sorbet...yum. We read the paper together and I shared some photos I have on my computer of the events that have taken place since his accident and photos that some people have sent me. Some he recognized and others he did not.  I tried this memory technique last week without any real excitement or emotion from him. What a difference a week makes. This time he smiled, mouthed out names and for those he didn't recognize, I said their name and then he remembered. He had a great night sleeping!
They just finished his last chest x-ray. I suspect it will come out a-okay & negative. If correct, the button from his trach will come out this morning. He'll most likely get transferred to another rehab facility tomorrow. Things are really starting to look very good for JV. As soon as we transfer him to his new rehab facility we'll start scheduling times for visitors. He's really doing great!

Sunday June 26

Day off!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday June 25

Short blog today.
He had some spinach, soft chicken, steamed apples and some nectar yesterday.
Lisa and I just came back from visiting 2 in-patient rehab facilities. I'll let you know which one his insurance approves and when he'll be moved.
A bit of dad's humor comes out: When dad was placed in a special chair which allowed him to stand upright, the physical therapist said, "I'm almost as tall as you". Dad responded out loud, "Almost".

Friday, June 24, 2011

Five Weeks Today

It was my turn to spend the night. He just keeps improving at a steady rate. The doctors gave him the swallow test this morning and he did pretty good. They're going to keep the button in another two days just in case. Because, he keeps a little bit of liquid in the back of his mouth which means he doesn't completely swallow. They want to make sure this residual doesn't seep into his lungs when not aware. He can now eat soft foods and drink small amounts of water. I'm going to have to sneak in some Menudo broth soon...just kidding!
The button from the trach will stay in another 2 days and I believe, they'll be moving him to an in-patient facility sometime Monday or Tuesday. Not sure yet which one. He's smiling, making faces, moving around in his bed a lot more. He's waking up! yeah!

For those that may want to attend a prayer mass for dad at the Cathedral, the following dates have been set aside:
Tuesday June 28th  7:00 am
Wednesday June 29th  7:00 am
Thursday June 30th  7:00 am
Sunday July 10th   10:00 am

Thank you Elva

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday June 23

Dad was so exhausted yesterday, we couldn't wake him up for his speech therapy session. They even had apple sauce ready for him. He had a great physical therapy workout and sat in his chair for an hour and a half. The doctors removed his trach and placed a button in it's place. This means there is not a tube going down his throat. This button will be in for the next couple of days as a precaution to see if he has any complications swallowing. While Lisa was there last night, they gave him some ice chips. She said he swallowed just fine. He even started snoring a little. This is a true sign he's returning back to his normal self. LOL! We got him a CD player/radio for Father's day and Uncle Lionel recorded some special music CDs. Most of the songs are from his era of growing up. He tapped his fingers to the beat of Los Panchos and listened happily with his eyes shut.
The staff is so amazed and impressed with the progress he's made thus far. Let's see how he does today during speech therapy. That's if he's able to stay awake. He's a fighter.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wed. June 22

I predict dad's trach will be removed by Friday. He's doing very well with eating and drinking I believe they'll do the swallow test today which will show excellent results and have it out by Friday. This is what we're praying for because once the trach is out, things for him really speed up. He'll most likely be moved to an in-patient therapy rehabilitation facility for 2 weeks. After the two weeks, then maybe he comes home. Although he's been cleared to stay that Kindred for 25 days, his progress may allow him to leave early. We shall wait and see.
He ate oatmeal and drank water yesterday without any problems. He began to move his right arm and the therapist felt his muscles in his right leg trying to move it. These are all good signs that he's processing correctly and progressing slowly. As we all know, his right side will need the most therapy.
We're still not quite ready for outside visitors. I seem to forget he's still trying to figure things out. We take for granted what the mind automatically does for us. He's still trying to figure out where the sounds are coming from, who's talking in the room and it may be a little too much for him to decipher what's what. I can tell when he get's frustrated because he'll give you the intense Valdez stare and the rolling of the eyes. He does this when we can't understand what he's trying to say or when the nurses come in and disturb his naps. He was extremely exhausted by the end of the day.
My uncle Lionel spent the night with him. Until he's able to push the nurse's call button on his own, will we leave him alone. He holds the control but doesn't quite know what it is yet. We also spend the night to make sure staff comes in every two hours to turn him from side to side. We've all heard horror stories about acute hospital facilities. We don't want dad to be another statistic. The staff have been extremely professional and wonderful at Kindred. We're very happy with the care he's receiving. Keep your fingers crossed that his trach get's removed soon. Once it's removed, they'll move him to an in-patient rehabilitation facility; hopefully St. Mary's.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday June 21

Yesterday was another great day. I was present when the speech therapist was in. Dad was sitting in a chair next to his bed and he was eating pudding with vanilla wafers, chewing and swallowing. He also took a cup of water, brought it to his mouth and drank from it. Two more days of doing this and the doctor said, he'll remove the trach. He's scheduled for a barium swallow test sometime today. This will tell us if any liquids are sneaking through to his lungs or not. All indications thus far tell us that he's swallowing without any complications. I was able to snap a picture of him yesterday smiling to the camera. I'm trying to figure out a way to post it on the blog. We'll see how today's therapy goes.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday June 20

A new week begins. Just last week, he was still in ICU with is eyes shut, oxygen going into his trach, and his foley intact. Today his eyes are open, he's alert, his trach is capped, he's working with a speech therapist, working with a physical therapist and trying to figure out what's going on. We're all very happy with his progress. He'll probably be here for the next 20 days or so. As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, we're hoping they remove his trach completely sometime this week. Our next goal is to see him drinking water and eating. Keep your prayers coming. They've been answered.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday night

He has progressed so much this weekend. His trach has been capped for 48 hours which means, he's breathing room air, coughing and swallowing his secretions on his own. His oxygen levels are averaging 95% with a normal heart rate. These are great signs. They also removed his foley because he has a urinary tract infection. This made him less restless and agitated during the day and at night. It has to suck not being able to communicate what he's experiencing.  Lisa and mom really worked with his physical and speech therapy this weekend because there are no physical therapists nor speech therapist during the weekends. He was really pooped today because of the work they did. I'm not sure if any of you recall but my sister's first love was to get a degree in physical therapy. The only school that offers a degree is NAU. I really don't know why she didn't pursue her dream but I'm very, very happy she has the time to spend with him to put him through the exercise drills she's been instructed to perform on him. She' really great at this. She and Randy have been doing this ever since Kevin was born. Both of them are extremely special people. I also want to thank our cousins, Leo, Tina, Linda, Melissa for spending nights during the first ICU nights. Leo and Tina came in from Flagstaff and stayed 2 nights at the hospital while Katrina was graduating.  Linda and Melissa spent the first nights in ICU during this same time. We can't thank you enough. Our family is so loving and strong we're happy to be both Jacobs and Valdez.
Although dad may be out of the hemorrhage danger, he has so many months for rehabilitation recovery. He must learn how to talk. Although he may know the words to say, he has to learn how to get his mind to tell his diaphragm to push air to his vocal chords and out of his mouth for us to hear the word. Can you imagine how frustrating he's getting not being able to speak his mind? Lisa and I sit there trying to imagine what his genius mind is thinking. Believe me, I'm using every conceivable technique I can think of to communicate with him. We all must be patient.
He will get better with time. The trach will soon be out and he'll be eating and drinking soon. By the end of this week, we will allow more visitors to visit. Please continue your prayers and I'll let you know when you'll be able to visit with him.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday June 17th

4 weeks in the hospital.
I'm happy to report dad said his first recognizable words last night to me. It was faint but I could hear him. He said, "I want water". Although he still can not drink water yet, I let him suck on a disposable oral swab. I feel so bad because he was really trying to speak out but I couldn't make out anything he was mumbling. I sensed frustration on his part and told him not to worry. It's normal to the think the words yet not able to say them. I stuck to simple yes and no nods to communicate with him. This morning, we've been practicing to say "Hello" for when mom comes in.  He's able to say it pretty well. I told him he sounded like C3PO from star wars and he smiled. I really have to turn his sleep cycle around. He was wide awake last night from 10:15 until 1:00 am. He must stay awake during the day. I finally had to tell him that I needed to get some sleep. So I turned off the light and climbed into my most comfortable cot. My back is killing me. LOL! Lisa spent the night on Wed. She really didn't sleep at all because dad's left hand want to pull his foley and tubes out. This is also normal for patients waking up from being under for so long.
Well, we shall see what today brings. Thank you for your prayers and have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday June 16th

It's 6:00 and I just got to the hospital. According to mom, he had another great day. They placed a talking ball in his trach but he hasn't said anything yet. He had another great day of bedside therapy. He's staying awake a lot more but still confused. We love the fact he's more alert and aware family is around. We moved him to Kindred Hospital where he'll stay until he's ready for an in-patient rehabilitation program.  As soon as he's a little more alert and able to speak, we will invite all of you to visit. If you're lucky enough, he might even raise his eyebrows, smile and/or even kiss your hand like he does for mom. I'm spending the night so tomorrow morning, I'll let you know how his night goes.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wed. June 15th

The move was successful. He opened his eyes quite a bit yesterday. The best news is that we watched the news last night. I placed the speaker next to his ear and he saw and heard President Shelton trying on his new jacket and talking about his new position. Whether he understood what was happening or not, he did raise an eyebrow. He stayed awake with me through Dateline, a little of Jay Leno and then he started nodding off during The Deadliest Catch; 1 1/2 hours with his eyes wide open truly incredible! We have pictures of the family taped to the wall and during our TV time, I took each picture, one by one for him to hold up for viewing. I'm hoping he recognized all of us. LOL!
The nurses came in every 2 hours to suction and turn him.
The physical therapist came in at 7:30 this morning to begin his exercising. Dad moved only his left side on command and the therapist helped exercise his right, his weak side. He sat up on the side of the bed but was not able to balance himself. So after 20 minutes of therapy, dad is now back resting. They'll get him up again later this afternoon to do it all over again. He's slowly coming back around. "Valdez is Coming...Back"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday June 14th

They will be moving dad today at 3:00 pm. Once he's situated and we've had the time to speak to his new doctors to determine what we can expect for him and from this new facility, I'll let you know tomorrow morning. In the mean time, he's doing great but still not quite awake. He woke up on his own yesterday around 6:00 pm and with my mom by his side, he was able to stay awake and alert for about a half hour. He held mom's hand and was looking all around trying to make sense of where he is and what's going on. He's becoming more and more alert and still following commands. He still has his trach and breathing on his own. They will not remove his trach until he's fully awake and can cough on command. We seem to think they will eventually place the talking ball in his trach before it's time to remove it. I can't tell you how well he looks. He really looks refreshed and well rested. Most, if not all of his swelling is gone from his hands, arms and chin. They removed the staples and stitches this morning from the pressure tube he had in his head. It's truly just a matter of time before he decides to wake up to stay awake. We have all of the time on earth for him to make this decision. We're just so happy he's still here with all of us. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday June 13th

Today started off with a beautiful mass at the Cathedral. It was nice to see the love and support from those who attended and I know those who could not attend prayed along with us as well. Dad feels the power of prayer from our friends and family from all around the world. Thank you Ron!
As I write this blog, I sit next to my sister working on her sudoku puzzle. I'm not hooked YET! My mother is sitting in a reclined chair behind dad's bed with the television speaker/remote to her ear. She's of course watching, "Day's of Our Lives" and trying to keep from falling asleep. I'm sitting in a chair near the foot of dad's bed staring at him sleeping in a upright position. I can tell he's dreaming because his legs twitch ever so often. I hope he's dreaming of teeing off the number 10 tee at Randolph or walking to the student union for some lunch.
The nurses are preparing him for a move that will take place tomorrow for sure. I'm not certain where or when but it will happen. I will keep you posted with details mañana. May God Bless all of you.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday June 12th

I see great improvement with each day that goes by. He's becoming more alert with his surroundings. He opened his eyes this morning when I arrived and squeezed my hand. Although he did this for me, he didn't open his eyes for mom.
After he opened his eyes for me, he went right back to sleep. We're talking about 15 to 20 seconds at a time. I can tell when he falls back to sleep because his heart rate goes down to about 65 beats per minute and his respiratory falls below 20 breaths per minute. Before I leave the hospital, I go to whisper in his ear that I love him and kiss him on his forehead. I'm holding his hand while doing this and he squeezes my hand as though he understands me. At least I'm hoping he can hear me and is reacting to what I'm saying. The nurses this morning said they're going to try to sit him in a special chair. This will get him out of bed and into a position he hasn't felt in more than 3 weeks. The only problem is that they couldn't find the chair. I should have more news tomorrow on the missing chair and how well dad did sitting in it if they ever find it. He's still in ICU which is totally fine with us.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mass for Joel

There will be a special mass for dad at 7:00 am on Monday June 13 at St. Augustine Cathedral. A very good friend of the family requested this mass and prayer service through the diocese. All are welcome to attend.

Saturday June 11

I haven't been to the hospital this morning but did speak to his nurse. Dad opened his eyes for my mom this morning when she arrived. It was probably her voice recognition that prompted him to do so. When his nurse tried to get him to open up his eyes, he didn't. However, dad did follow the nurse's commands by squeezing his hand and raising 1 and 2 fingers. He just didn't open his eyes when told to do so.  Yesterday, dad opened his eyes 5 times through out the day. He opens them up for about 1 minute then goes right back to sleep. This is huge progress for him. It's amazing to think his brain cells are rebuilding as he sleeps. God's creation is truly amazing when you stop to think about it.  They still have not moved him from ICU. As of now, we're not sure when this will take place. We're in no hurry to move him. He's getting the care and attention he needs.

Friday, June 10, 2011

3 weeks today

We can't believe it's 3 weeks today. Time has flown by. I must share some good news with all of you.  I called my mom at home last night and she was happy to tell me that the physical therapy team came in and sat him on the side of the bed. His eyes were open, he was alert, recognized mom and held her hand. He followed simple commands and even tried to mouth some words. Too weak to sit on his own but at least they were able to wake him up. Mom said she was excited and that it made her day.
I just spoke to his doctor. Today is the last day for his medications. They should be moving him out of ICU and into a private room next to the ICU wing. This is called the transition holding stage until we determine what type of facility he'll need to go to. The good news is that the real danger is over. Can things still happen? Sure they can, but as far as his stroke is concerned, all has healed according to his neurologist. We're still not at the point of having visitors only because he is still sleeping/resting and nurses don't want distractions. We're still not clear as to the amount of confusion he'll have once he does wake up. Time heals all wounds. We shall wait and see what today brings.  We thank you for all of your prayers and emails.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday June 9th

I'm sorry I've been so late in getting the blog up these past 2 days. Dad's condition really hasn't changed for the better or worst from yesterday. The good news is that he's been off of the ventilator for 48 hours. He's totally breathing on his own with great intake and great blood gas readings. He's still sleeping quite a bit during the day and evening and responding to the doctors when they come in which usually takes place in the early mornings. He's still opening his eyes, lifting his arm to his face, showing two fingers and wiggling his toes when told to do so. I think he's catching up on all of the sleep he missed while being the city manager and senior vice president. We're not worry about this. Sleeping is good for him at this time. So tomorrow is another day and hopefully I'll have some better news to report. Until then, I hope you all have a great night and be sure to tell your loved ones that you love them very much!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wed. June 8th

I'm sorry for getting this up late. Today is the first time I've been able to get to the office to get some work done.
The good news is that he's been totally off of the ventilator now for 8 hours. They placed what's called a trach mask/tent over his trach and is breathing on his own. Oxygen is released into what looks like a small acrylic mask that fits over his trach. His breaths per minute average around 18 to 22 and his heart beat and blood pressure is normal. If you were to see him, he looks just like he's sleeping at home; relaxed and comfortable. The hard thing for us is hearing the gurgling noises that come from the trach. Although we've been told this is normal, we want the nurse in there all the time to suction him. They guarantee he's alright and doing great.  The nurse said that they're even considering removing his trach sometime this week. This is what we want to hear.  They're also talking about moving him early next week to the less critical side of the wing. It won't be long before all of you will have the chance to see and talk to him soon.
We would like to thank all of you for your beautiful comments, prayers and love. Reading your comments out loud to Dad will truly be a joyful moment.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday's update

The CT scan came back with no set backs. As a matter of fact, the doctor said it showed great improvement.
He's seems to be very tired. We'll see what later today brings us.

Tuesday June 7th

I was hoping to see dad with his eyes open this morning when I arrived. I even brought a camera hoping to get a smile and a thumbs up. He's not as alert as yesterday. Of course when this happens, every thought enters our minds as to whether he's okay or is something we're not aware of happening to him. So as a precaution, they wheeled  down for a CT scan. We shall have his results shortly. I'll write back soon.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday June 6th

Much more alert this morning.  He's opening up his eyes more and keeping them open for about 5 minutes at a time. He made another attempt to kiss mom's hand and kissed Katrina's hand and puckered his lips for my aunt Stella. For a second there, I think I saw his eyebrows go up and down trying to suggest to her, "hey good looking".
They placed a trach mask on him for an hour to determine how well he does without the ventilation machine and to also see his blood gas levels. We'll get the results here shortly. He's been recovering slowly each day with dramatic positive changes. I can't wait to post a picture of him smiling with a thumbs up for all of you to see.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday June 5th

He had another great night. I came back to the hospital around midnight and he was wide awake. Lisa, his brother, Alex and I were by his side. He recognized all of us, squeezed our hands, gave us the thumbs up and was moving his lips as though he was trying to say something. Today, he's totally breathing on his own. So far, so good.  Should he continue to breath on his own they'll place an air mask over his trach and turn the machine off. We'll just have to wait and see what today brings us. Have a great Sunday and again, thank you for keeping hin your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday June 4th update

I just want to share a fairytale story to all of you. I just witnessed my dad open his eyes, squeeze my mom's hand and then he tried to lift her hand to his mouth for a kiss. If this in not great news, I don't know what is. He then fell back to sleep. Just this little effort made him tired. Tomorrow is a new day. Keep Joel in your prayers for they are being answered.

Saturday June 4th

Thank you for last night's prayers. Dad had his best night to date.  They stopped the propofol sedation at 6:30 am. He has opened his eyes and squeezed the tech's hand. The doctors want him as alert as we can make him. He looks very comfortable. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday's follow up

It's 6:30 pm and both procedures are complete and successful. He's resting very comfortably.  It's truly nice to see him without any tubes or lines attached to his face or mouth.  Mom is breathing a sigh of relief.  He looks great and is on the slow road to recovery.  They'll begin weening him from his sedation meds tonight, keeping a close eye on his blood pressure.  We're praying he'll be more alert tomorrow morning with his eyes open and responding to commands.  He's yawning, swallowing, coughing, and breathing on his own.  I can't wait to update all of you tomorrow morning.  Please say a special prayer tonight.  We all want him to have a good night!

Friday June 3rd

It's been 2 weeks. He's still hanging in there.  They're going to place a trach and stomach feeding tube in at 12 noon today. I just viewed his chest x-rays and yesterday's CTA scan. His x-rays showed no fluid, no pneumonia. His CTA scan showed cleared ventricles except for a little blood in both lower ventricles.  Because of this and the fact his cranial pressure was capped and steady with single digits for the past 2 days, doctors removed the tube from his head this morning. This is a step in the right direction. But then again, we've been experiencing 1 step forward, 2 steps backwards so we're keeping our fingers crossed. I feel a whole lot better seeing his x-rays and his scans.
So to clarify what type of stroke dad had, he had what's called a Subarachnoid hemorrhage. In a subarachnoid hemorrhage, a blood vessel bursts near the surface of the brain and blood pours into the area around the outside of the brain. This bleeding may increase pressure in the brain, injuring brain cells. This type of stroke has many possible causes, but is usually the result of a burst aneurysm. If you want to read more about stokes, signs of a stroke and how to prevent them click the link and read:
I'm sure dad wouldn't want any of you to be going through what he's experiencing.
I'll follow up with another post later today.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday June 2nd

Just when we think things are getting better, something else happens. I received a phone call at 3:30 am this morning from his night nurse. She informed me that they had to re-intubate him. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Of course, we all want him to open his eyes and start talking to us. However, it's going to take longer than we all anticipated. While sitting next to him, I try figure out what's wrong with him. I don't know what his mind is able to process. They tell me that where the aneurysm happened not only controls his right side but also controls his speech and throat. So if he secretes, is the mind telling him to swallow and/or cough when he has to? This is an area not even the doctors know the answers. His throat may be too swollen to swallow. So instead of having him work any harder, they decided to re-intubate him. The good news is that he is resting more comfortably than yesterday, his vitals are excellent, his lungs are 100% clear and the pressure from his cranial tube has been capped off since yesterday which means they may remove this very soon.
It's extremely hard for us to see him this way and we pray that he just keeps fighting. We're also waiting for the results from this morning's CTA scan and praying there are no surprises.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

3:21 pm Wed. June1

So far, so good. He's still holding his own. They have him sitting up with just a small tube in his nose to collect the what he's not able to swallow. They just completed a chest x-ray that didn't show any significant changes so all we can say is please continue to pray for a speedy recovery. Everyday is a new day and his progress is showing remarkable improvement. It's sure nice to see him without the vent. We're still limiting visitors to only family. As soon as he's able to speak and is a little more alert will we be able to allow friends to see him.

Wed. June 1

They extubated dad this morning at 7:30. He's holding his own so far. We're trying to get him to cough so that he can get some of the stuff out of his chest. His vitals, heart rate, breathing is good.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday's follow up

It's 7:00 pm and we're still waiting for the extubation to take place. Apparently a patient must be off all sedation meds, breathing on their own & alert. Dad was ready this morning but then fell asleep. We found out that sometimes, patients that have been sedated for a long period of time become sleep deprived. Today is the first day, I saw him yawn. As a matter of fact, he yawned all day. The doctors have not ruled out the removal just yet. It still may take place this evening. We shall wait and see.

Tuesday May 31

Dad is much more alert and when I walked in this morning, he had his eyes opened. He squeezed my hand and gave me a thumbs up. Mom and Lisa are doing fine and we're making sure Mom is eating healthy and gets her daily exercise.
We just finished a consultation from his pulmonary doctor. His lungs and breathing look good enough to have his vent removed today. So I will post the results once this procedure has been completed. We thank all of you for your support and we appreciate all of your prayers. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day May 30

Well the good news for today is dad's condition hasn't changed from yesterday. He had another great night. According to the doctor's report this morning, his response is the same and his vitals look good and are stable. The doctor did say that it's possible dad will have to keep the drain line in permanently similar to what Gabby Giffords has. He also said that although dad's right side is slow to respond to commands, rehabilitation will take place and we should see great improvement within 8 to 12 weeks. He's still intubated. However, breathing on his own.  Once they extubate him, everything should start to get better quickly. We just have to wait until they decide to remove the tube. All signs look good at this point.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday May 29th

This morning's update from the nurse was very good. Dad had a great night. His blood pressure was down to where they want it and when I walked in he was awake and alert, way more than yesterday. His eyes were open and he was moving his left arm. Yesterday was a difficult day. The nurse had a very hard time keeping his blood pressure below 170/70. Today, it's at around 150/50 and holding. It's difficult to be sitting next to him not knowing what he's thinking. We all just want him to wake up and start talking. God's creation of man is incredibly beautiful and perfect. Anyone who ever goes through this type of trauma learns just how complicated the brain is. Having to find the right balance between medication cycles, fluid intake, when to make assessments is not easy and varies with each patient. So just when dad shows signs of improvement something happens and he takes a step backwards or one doctor wants to flood him full of fluids so his ventricles are hydrated while the pulmonary doctors wants him dry to prevent fluid from getting into his lungs. It's been a roller coaster ride. We must have patience for dad to recover on his own.
It's very comforting to see him move and try to scratch his face and/or get up out of bed which he tries every time he's awake and alert.
His results from the cardio sonogram came back positive. His heart looks like is should for a person his age. His valves and pump rate are normal and his walls look good.
I want to let everyone know that he does have feeling and movement on his right side and will need rehabilitation once he's able and ready to go home.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial day and please take the time to tell your loved ones just how much you do love them and cherish them for being in your life.
Mary Lee, Lisa & David

Saturday, May 28, 2011


The draining line did not have a kink. The staff turned it off during the night to see how he would respond.

Saturday May 28

The doctors told all of us that when things look good expect something to turn the other way; one step forward, two steps backwards. He's been correct so far.
We came in this morning thinking things would be the same as yesterday with a little more improvement. Today's nurse told us that the draining line had somehow kinked during the night which didn't allow fluids from his brain to drain properly. As a result, a little pressure built up and he's a little lethargic this morning. He will be sleeping for most of the day to keep him comfortable. We're not allowing anyone other than family in to see him today. His heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory is stable and healthy. He's just not as responsive today as yesterday.  We were told yesterday his breathing tube would be removed sometime today. However, that's not going to happen. We would like to mention that the staff here at the Neurological Institute have been excellent working on dad and we can't ask for any better treatment and attention. The facilities are very comfortable but the rooms are so cold. Mom is still holding her own, very strong and healthy. We shall see how today goes. Thank you for your prayers.

Friday, May 27, 2011

One Week

Hello Everyone,
Dad has been in the hospital for one week and doctors say he's doing just great! He had a left side aneurism on Friday, May 20 at 6:00 AM and was responsive up until his surgery which doctor's placed a coil in his artery to stop the bleeding. The procedure took 3.5 hours and was very successful. He's been responsive to the nurse's commands and does have movement on both sides of his body. His right side is a little weaker than his left which is to be expected. But no paralysis.  They tried to remove his breathing tube yesterday. However, he had a little too much fluid in lungs and couldn't cough so they stuck the tube back in. Doctor's will attempt to remove the breathing tube Saturday. They've stopped all sedation medication and when not asleep, he open's his eyes, squeezes his hands, moves his feet and this morning he gave a thumbs up. We appreciate everyone's love, regards and prayers for it has helped all of us. Our mom is doing great. We're making sure she eats and exercises throughout the day. Keep on praying for a speedy recovery and we'll keep you posted.