Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, October 7

This was a busy week for Dad. He went in for a cortisone shot in his right shoulder on Tuesday.
He had been complaining about pain especially when he'd raise his arm. The therapist thought this was a result from his stroke. I kept saying that he's always had problems in the past with this shoulder so we set up an appointment for some x-rays. Sure enough, it's a combination of arthritis and non-use.
Today I raised his arm higher than before without any pain. This will help him with his therapy exercises.
On Wed, with this assistance of Lisa and Adam, his care giver, he took 7 steps with his walker. This is phenomenal!  He's also standing in the stander I made him for up to 15 minutes at a time. Everyone that visits him gets to sign his stander.
Tomorrow, we're set to take him to eat breakfast at Lionel and Stella's house. He's very excited for this.
He's doing just great! Have a great weekend!