Some of you may have already heard that dad is back in the hospital. He went in yesterday for a scheduled visit for a sonogram test to determine why his right leg is slightly swollen. Well, they found a rather large blood clot. The doctors seem to think that he's had this for quite some time because of its large size. So they admitted him yesterday for observation. They started him on blood thinners this morning and he's scheduled for more testing tomorrow. The strange thing is that he hasn't complained about any pain or discomfort. We remember his ankles swelling a while back but his doctors told him that it was water retention and to keep his legs elevated when sitting or sleeping. This was a good 6 - 8 months ago.
Rest assured, he's in good spirits, comfortable, talking, slightly confused but other than that, doing good. Lisa seems to think that he'll be back at home in a couple of days. Let hope so! Keep your thoughts and prayers going and I'll keep you posted with everything that happens.
Hey David ~ this is Fred Ronstadt. I posted a video of your dad you might like at:
Feel free to share the link!!!
Keeping Joel and all you guys in our prayers!!!
Those pesky blood clots show up at the darndest times. Pain and heat aren't always present as a symptom, which makes diagnosis difficult. Sounds like you have a great routine going on there. MaryLee make sure you take sometime for yourself away from the house. Go get your hair done and have lunch with a friend. It will do wonders for your energy levels. Hugs, to all of you Sam