Dad has been moved to St. Mary's Hospital.
According to his new doctors, he will be undergoing intense therapy twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon.
We are not allowed to be there during these periods because the doctors do not want any distractions. This is great for mom because she'll be able to leave during these times for rest. St. Mary's is only 3 minutes from her house...soooo convenient!
They will be working him in all 3 therapy categories: speech, occupational, and physical. As for visitations, doctors want visitations to take place during the weekends only. These are the days for rest. Dad will start seeing visitors on Saturday & Sunday July 10th & 11th. If you would like to visit dad, please email me to let me know when you might be coming in:
The Valdez family would like to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and support.
Please tell your dad that the loud Greek lady from the UA Main Library is praying for him to get well and return to his joys in life.
Sofia Petropoulos
Thank you, David, for keeping us posted! I felt so bad bothering Stella and Lionel. Mary Lee does need to take care of herself - I know my mom collapsed when Dad was very sick because she could not really rest worrying about him. Blessings! Gloria Alvillar