Friday, September 16, 2011

September 16

Well, no news is good news and it's been just that!
Dad is doing just fine! He had his stitches removed on Wed and his scar is healing just fine.
All of the therapists has told us that he's doing much better since before his operation with the exception of his voice. He has reverted back to whispering. The speech therapist said he has to learn to move wind from his diaphragm up through to his vocal chords in order to hear him. He'll get it.
Our next mission is to get him into an outpatient rehabilitation program and into an aquatic exercises. This will help rebuild his right side muscles. We also need to find ways to keep his mind stimulated because sitting and sleeping in front of the TV all day is not cutting it. Lisa and I are sick of "Law and Order", his favorite show.  I think he's finally getting sick of the show as well, LOL!
He's also ready to see visitors. Weekends will be best. Let me know when you'd like to visit so I can write it down and let him and mom know. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. You know David and Lisa I moved. I am down the hill still on Pacifia. Since my Dad and son have gone back to California the house was to much for me. Xaxier is at Fresno State where myself and all my sisters and brother graduated from.He also got excepted to Berkley. I think he wants to follow the family tradition. Anyway we should be so proud of our children as I know you are Joel!
    I am going to keep bothering you until I see you!
    Tu prima'Sylvia
