Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23

We found out today that dad will be having surgery on September 1st. They will be clamping the neck of the same aneurysm that ruptured in May. It appears the area affected has grown to about twice the size of the original. There's no bleeding and the only way to correct for this is to perform cranial surgery. They will most likely discharge him from the hospital tomorrow so he can rest at home until the surgery. Dad understands the delicate and dangerous nature of this procedure and we all agree it must be done.  The doctors have told us the surgery should last about 5 hours. Then it's back to ICU and should all go well, he'll be home within 5 to 6 days after the surgery. I'm sorry for not writing sooner but it's been a zoo. It looks like I will be posting on a daily basis before, during, and after the surgery to keep all of you posted with his condition. I won't be writing anything on the blog until Wednesday, August 31. Please continue to pray for both my mom and dad. We need all of the prayers we can receive at this time.

1 comment:

  1. We are keeping our thoughts and prayers for Joel and the family ongoing. His Guardian Angels seem to be working over-time. That is a good thing. We will await your postings.

    Love to all,
